The World of Willis

This is a blog about how i see the world and the stuff that i do in this crazy place

Monday, April 10, 2006

Fuzzy Weekend......I am an Attention Whore

So this past weekend was the annual Crawfish Boil here in M-town, really the only thing that i remember was arriving there. Evidently i did not make too much of an ass out of myself, which is saying something considering how fucked up i was. The last memory I have of that day was dancing barefoot at Weidmann's although that memory is pretty vague. But I know I drank gin at some point, because I had a gin hangover Sunday. Of course I did not even wake up until about 330PM Sunday afternoon. Thanks to "The Queen" for providing me with the following pictures, as I never remember to take any, so thanks for preserving my amazing life for future generations.

These are not all of the pictures, but apparently I am somewhat of an attention and do my damndest to get into every picture taken.....feel the love people.

Also my shirts came in today, I cannot wait to wear them out and about. I ordered them from and was hoping they would arrive on Friday for this past weekend, but alas they did not. But watch out because my friends will be seeing a lot of them.

Here is something interesting, god what grant from the government can do.

here is the site with all kinds of dialect maps-


  • At 3:51 PM, Blogger KayJayPea said…

    That's just how you roll, Attention Whore!!! :)

    And I'm willing to bet very few of those people listed in the sandwich study who call it a "poor boy" actually say "poor" instead of "po". Looks like maybe, umm, one person in Texas calls it a "bomber".

  • At 4:44 PM, Blogger umrebel said…

    yeah whats up with that? I would like the spicy italian bomber please. sound more like a porn name


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