The World of Willis

This is a blog about how i see the world and the stuff that i do in this crazy place

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

16 Tons whaddya get.......

So today I get to the office and what do I see? It is our to engineers installing a freaking time-clock. You have got to be fucking kidding me. This is so much bullshit, what do I work on a freaking assembly line, hell no. Apparently the time-clock will go into effect on Monday and only hourly employees will be required to punch it. This is a royal piece of shit that is entirely unfair. Basically they are making hourly employees be honest about the time that they work, but salaried employees can do what they want. This is just another case of "the man" trying to keep a brotha down. Our boss even instructed hourly employees to not work overtime. WTF? So if I clock in at 7:45 in the morning, take an hour lunch at 12, I will have to leave work at 4:45 everyday to get exactly 8 hours. If I leave at 5 everyday after a week it adds up to 1 hour and 15 minutes of over time. So I can't do that. And what if I take 1 hour and 20 minutes for lunch, do I have to stay until 5:20 to get my 8 hours in? Our old system was just fine, nobody really abused it that much and 20 minutes here and there never hurt a soul. My belief is that corporate instituted the time-clocks to save money. They don't realize that it will probably cost them money in the long term, because they will end up having to pay overtime whether they like it or not, because they are not aware of the laws of the land on non-compensable and compensable time. For a good overview click here. You know what this whole situation is crap. I will probably end up forgetting have the time anyway, and since the times clocked go straight to our corporate office anyway, who is to say that they will not alter the times we actually worked in order to pay us less. In the old system payroll was done in house by an honest administrator who was fair and did his job thoroughly. Now is going to be done by some corporate drone who does not care two bits about us folks here in Mississippi. The whole system is a load of steaming bullshit. Before I did not mind staying a little late and finishing up something that needed to be done, and I would not even put that on my timesheet. But now with this crap, I am not working past my allotted 8 hours for nothing. Most hourly employees here do not abuse the current system anyway. If anybody abuses work hours it is salaried employees who do not put in the necessary time to do their jobs in a satisfactory manner, yet they do not face any disciplinary consequences. I am always available if a co-worker needs something, but some folks around here only show up on a blue moon or for a couple of hours each day and yet they make more money that I do. That is unacceptable and it needs to stop, but will it stop, no, because one of the heaviest abusers just happens to be the bosses wife. But that is the nepotistic world that we live in. God I need a beer. Until tomorrow.


  • At 2:58 PM, Blogger KayJayPea said…

    On behalf of "The Man", I will say that sometimes time clocks are a good thing because they show when an employee was present and when they were not -- you know, if there were ever any legal reasons to need that information (lawsuits, workman's comp claims, etc.).

    However, it IS probably a ruling from higher-ups in an effort to save money.

    That being said, I am a salaried employee and do not punch a time clock. ;)

  • At 2:58 PM, Blogger JonPDalewood said…

    ha ha haaaaaaaaaa! he he heeeeeeeeee! whooo hooo hooooooooo!

  • At 11:21 AM, Blogger KayJayPea said…

    Dooce: to lose one’s job because of one’s website.


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