The World of Willis

This is a blog about how i see the world and the stuff that i do in this crazy place

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring....Rebirth, Renewal, All that Crap

Ahh, Spring, the most allergenic of all the seasons.....Yesterday was the first day of the new season. Winter is officially over and hurricane season is just around the corner. To most folks the beginning of Spring is marked by the vernal equinox, equal parts light and dark. But even though yesterday was the equinox, you would not know it if you lived in these parts as it was pretty much dark all day due to the rain. At least this time people didn't start preparing for the apocaplyse as they did last week when severe weather came through this area (though our intrepid weather men tried their damnedest to usher in the Four Horsemen). So Spring is finally here, what does that mean to me. Well basically it means an excuse to drink outside more often. More fish, more crawfish, more days of staring outside my office window.

Allow me to give all you loyal fans an update on my NCAA brackets. I can sum it up in two words I SUCK!!!!! I believe that this is probably the worst I have ever done. So now I am just rooting for the underdog. Here's a tangent, why in the hell do we say "rooting" for something or someone.....that just sounds ludicrous....give me a second......root3 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rt, rt)intr.v. root·ed, root·ing, roots
To give audible encouragement or applause to a contestant or team; cheer. See Synonyms at applaud.
To lend support to someone or something.
[Possibly alteration of rout3.]
rooter n.

so I still need to find the origin....the alteration of "rout" may hold the key.....
rout3 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rout, rt)intr.v. Chiefly British rout·ed, rout·ing, routs
To bellow. Used of cattle.
[Middle English routen, to roar, from Old Norse rauta.]

that make a little bit more sense from the Old Norse "rauta" meaning to roar-so in essence when you "root" for something you "roar" for it.

Now I can rest easy, until tomorrow my comrades


  • At 4:09 PM, Blogger KayJayPea said…

    Too bad good crawfish are likely to be harder to find. Thanks again to that WHORE Katrina. She continues to ruin my fun.

  • At 9:24 AM, Blogger JonPDalewood said…

    you took way too much energy to find and define the root to "root"...


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