The World of Willis

This is a blog about how i see the world and the stuff that i do in this crazy place

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Three-Day Weekend

Yeah, that's right punks, I enjoyed a three-day weekend. Awwwwww, yeah! Suck on that! I just woke up Monday morning and was all like screw this, I ain't going to work. So I called in sick and then proceeded to sleep until noon, and then I sat on my fat ass and watched tv the rest of the time. It was freaking awesome.

I did not do that much this weekend as far as the social scene goes. Went over to a friends house Friday night and hung out, but that is really it. I saw where Barbaro was euthanized on Monday, so that sucked. I guess that he was downgraded to glue. But seriously folks, I am saddened. I really just do not have that much to say today. I guess I am just kind of out of it.

So what the hell is up with this crap about testing high-school students for weekend drinking? That seems kind of crappy to me. It is none of the school's business what a kid does on their own time. That should be left up to the parents.

And some folks will do anything for attention(look at the hideous picture)


Well until the next time....Peace Out!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Hello...Is it me your looking for

Today I would like to talk about living in the Bible Belt and what it is like for a non-religious person like myself. Yep, that's it, I said non-religious. As most folks that know anything about my personal life are aware, I am an atheist. I do not believe in the existence of a Supreme being. I am relatively open about it once a particular person has gained my confidence, however, I do not go and spout it from the highest mountaintop. The reason (and I hate to say this) is fear. I would fear for my safety if I were to exclaim my non-belief to the rest of the Bible Belt population. There are some real nuts that live in these parts. A revelation that I discovered in the state constitution of Mississippi states that a person who denies the existence of a Supreme Being cannot hold public office. How ridiculous is that. To suggest that somebody who does not believe in god is unfit to govern. I guess I will just declare my faith in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and that I am touched by his noodly appendage daily. This belief is just as absurd as the belief in Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, Zeus, Odin or any other so-called supreme being. So I can have freedom of religion, but not freedom from religion.
It is hard living in the evangelical south. I only personally know three other people who are like me, and every human being is ingrained with a sense of belonging to a group and religion is a way to satisfy that biological urge. But what do atheists do when there are no others around. It can get extremely lonely sometimes. There is the fear that revealing you non-belief may have detrimental consequences to you personally and professionally. If you have a superior who is devoutly religious, and this superior is aware of your non-belief, you, as an atheist, are intrinsically at a disadvantage. How do you reconcile the need to be true to one self and man's self-preservation mechanism? I have not come up with an answer. If any readers have one please share it.
Now that we have touched on the professional life, let us discuss the personal life of a Bible Belt Atheist. I was raised in a Christian household and still considered myself a Christian up until around 20 years old. Then I went through a phase of agnosticism and finally the natural progression towards atheism. I know just as much about the Bible than basically any other person who was raised in a household like mine, two parents, two kids, cat and dog. You know the model American home. I probably did not openly declare my atheism until around 2004, and I still do not like to do it because it inevitably starts a religious discussion with the opposing party trying to convert me and refusing to listen to science and just go on "faith." Well faith just does not hold any water to me. Then if you are open about you risk potentially ostracizing your friends and family. Luckily, I am blessed with relatively tolerant friends who accept me for who I am.
Probably the hardest part about being a Bible Belt Atheist is dating. One finding a like-minded female is akin to finding a needle in a haystack. When you are dating a Christian, or are attracted to a Christian how do you tell them of your non-belief. You could forseeably lie about it and go through the motions of religion your whole life and find your "soul mate". But that is not for me. I cannot keep by non-belief bottled up. At some point in the relationship it would become apparently obvious even if I never told the significant other. And let me tell you something, there is no worse feeling than being told that "I would love to be involved with you and explore our future together, but you are an atheist, so I can't." Or something like that by someone that you could really see yourself with. That is the way the cookie crumbles I suppose.
It would be so easy to were the facade of religiosity, but I just cannot do it. As William Shakespeare so eloquently stated in Hamlet "To thine own self be true." It has never been said better and never will be.

So I guess...All hail the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his Noodly Appendage!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It has been a long time...

Hola! Long time no see to every body on the internets. I have not posted since June 29th 2006. A whole lot has happened since then, but nothing that is really chart topping. The reason that I have not posted in such a long time is that I absolutely have not had time to. Once I started taking on new job responsibilities the time just flew out of the window. I honestly have no idea where it went. The last thing that I wanted to do after working all day was to look at a computer screen, so I just quit posting. But, I am back, at least briefly so get your medicine while you still can. Probably the biggest change that has happened in my blogging hiatus is a recent one. I decided to quit drinking and have not drank since December 2nd 2006. That is almost a full two months. I has been easy at times and hard at times. Most of my compatriots are supportive of my decision, although a couple have had their universes turned upside down. I am no longer the drunkard that everybody knew me as. It is almost like I see the world completely different now. I notice things and remember things that I would have forgotten before. I did not like the way that I acted when I was totally sloshed all the time. I was for the most part a complete and utter asshole. I would engage in destructive behavior that could have cost me my life and/or my job. It is nice to not have to worry about getting a dui or running up a $200 bar tab now. I believe that eventually I will drink again, but not until I am confident that I can have one or two drinks and be done. I was at the point where it was either no alcohol or a whole fifth of scotch almost every night. Then I would get in my car a drive really, really fast through the middle of town. NOT SMART. So I decided one moring after a night of debauchery that I needed to slow down and quit for a minute or two while I get my ass straightened up.

Things are going pretty good at this point although I am tempted almost daily. It was amazing how fast the news of my sobriety spread around town. It seems that all of the city knew in a matter of days. Everybody was extremely suprised by my decision. That tells me that I had developed a certain reputation around town that was not in my best interest and I needed to change that image, as the image of the town drunk could hurt me in the long run. I probably will not have as many cool stories to tell and this blog may become extremely boring, but it is still and outlet and maybe some humor will find its way onto these pages once again.

And now some pictures of some retards...

See ya'll later...peace out