The World of Willis

This is a blog about how i see the world and the stuff that i do in this crazy place

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

It has been a long time...

Hola! Long time no see to every body on the internets. I have not posted since June 29th 2006. A whole lot has happened since then, but nothing that is really chart topping. The reason that I have not posted in such a long time is that I absolutely have not had time to. Once I started taking on new job responsibilities the time just flew out of the window. I honestly have no idea where it went. The last thing that I wanted to do after working all day was to look at a computer screen, so I just quit posting. But, I am back, at least briefly so get your medicine while you still can. Probably the biggest change that has happened in my blogging hiatus is a recent one. I decided to quit drinking and have not drank since December 2nd 2006. That is almost a full two months. I has been easy at times and hard at times. Most of my compatriots are supportive of my decision, although a couple have had their universes turned upside down. I am no longer the drunkard that everybody knew me as. It is almost like I see the world completely different now. I notice things and remember things that I would have forgotten before. I did not like the way that I acted when I was totally sloshed all the time. I was for the most part a complete and utter asshole. I would engage in destructive behavior that could have cost me my life and/or my job. It is nice to not have to worry about getting a dui or running up a $200 bar tab now. I believe that eventually I will drink again, but not until I am confident that I can have one or two drinks and be done. I was at the point where it was either no alcohol or a whole fifth of scotch almost every night. Then I would get in my car a drive really, really fast through the middle of town. NOT SMART. So I decided one moring after a night of debauchery that I needed to slow down and quit for a minute or two while I get my ass straightened up.

Things are going pretty good at this point although I am tempted almost daily. It was amazing how fast the news of my sobriety spread around town. It seems that all of the city knew in a matter of days. Everybody was extremely suprised by my decision. That tells me that I had developed a certain reputation around town that was not in my best interest and I needed to change that image, as the image of the town drunk could hurt me in the long run. I probably will not have as many cool stories to tell and this blog may become extremely boring, but it is still and outlet and maybe some humor will find its way onto these pages once again.

And now some pictures of some retards...

See ya'll later...peace out


  • At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Retard pictures? You are just wrong!!!

    I have to say it again -- I am proud of and for your regarding the drinking (or rather, lack thereof)... I'm quite sure it's not an easy thing to kick whilst "all the cool kids are doin' it"... plus, we kind of miss your antics every now & then! ;)

    Anyway.... WELCOME BACK to the blogosphere...

  • At 10:58 AM, Blogger JonPDalewood said…

    Cool "retards"!!!!


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